How to get
ATTENTION : The GPS does not recognize our address, however Google Maps and Waze find it by the name of ASHRAM MATRI SURYA.
Follow the map with our location to you are better situated.
There are two options, the Raposo Tavares Highway or the Castelo Branco Highway:
• Via Castelo Branco Highway, for the best route, the ideal is to enter the city of São Roque and then go to Waze, Ashram Matri Surya.
• Via Raposo Tavares Highway, enter the Darcy Penteado portal, at KM 55, and follow the signs written ASHRAM.
Public transportation
OPTION 1 (cheaper)
Go to the Barra Funda Metro and take the train to Itapevi - line 8 Diamante - http://www.cptm.sp.gov.br/E_R.../REDE/esquema_estacao.asp
Go down in Itapevi leaving the turnstile on the right.
Go down the stairs to the avenue, cross and go left.
At the end of the first street on the right (only 1 block away) take the São Roque bus - via São João Novo.
Get off at São João Novo and take a taxi to the Ashram (10min)
Take a bus from Barra Funda to São Roque (via Raposo Tavares)
Get off the scale (Km 55) and arrange with a taxi driver to take you from this point to the Ashram.
NOTE Not all taxi drivers know how to get there, so here is the contact of a taxi driver who is used to doing this route - Claudinei - (11) 9 9729.2891